The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Thursday, April 28, 2005

I'll See You in My Dreams

Tomorrow I go under the knife. I have to admit that I am a little shaky. But surprisingly, I am more nervous about being blind for 24 hours than I am about having surgery. Just thinking about how I'll get around my house, eat, and get to the bathroom without tripping over something makes me nervous. And what will I do while I'm awake if I can't read, watch TV, or go online (trapped in my house, of course)? I'm reminded of how important my sight is, of how much more I value seeing over my other senses. I'm amazed and grateful for the things the Lord has allowed me to see. I hope He lets me see much more...

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Let Me Fall

The jungle in my patio has been tamed. On Monday night, I spent an hour and a half uprooting monster weeds that caused many a-visitor to inquire, "wow, your garden is going crazy; what are you growing back there?" It's amazing how the unwanted can fluorish while the wanted, with all the care and attention you can muster up, can simply die.

I similarly wonder about raising kids. You can impart the same rules and values, and yet their individual personalities seem to win out over upbringing. How far do you go to strive to teach, discipline, and direct them? Seems to be an allegory parents can use to describe our faith. God will forgive us every time, but it's inevitable that we will sin. So do we passively go with the flow, make the mistakes we are too stupid to avoid, and go back to Him for the forgiveness we desperately seek? In my mind, I know the right answer to that question. Don't we all? So when the opportunity to follow the higher road arises, does the faith in our minds win out? I often find myself too weak to listen to that "c'mon now, that ain't good" voice. Instead, I squire alongside my worldly wants, and fall into that all too familiar ditch I call home. *Sigh* There is so much out of our control; makes me glad God's up there taking care of things on our behalf. Now if only I could stop screwing up so much so He could get His job done.

So should I even bother trying to plant anything in my newly tilled potential of a garden? Obviously, I haven't yet internalized the lesson, have I...