The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Let Go

The choices we consciously make shape our lives. I find that we are persistent in our pursuit to be the dictators of our destinies, making intentional steps toward fortune and hopefully, non-fleeting happiness. But do we limit the amazing things God can do and bring into our lives when we choose to get overly involved, to hold fast to the reigns and not let the one who knows what He is doing take the wheel?

Personally, I don't like to drive. But I also don't like not knowing where I'm going. Letting someone else drive is one thing, but taking a nap while my driver navigates and chooses my destination is another. But I've found that instilling that sort of blind trust in the Lord allows Him to come up with some of the best surprises. It's like finding a freshly laundered $20 bill at the bottom of the washing machine well after fishing out a wet load. Heck, I'm happy when I find a quarter in there! Or how about getting a free, second dish of jap chae along with a friendly smile at a yummy Korean dive. God is a god of marvels, and surprises are His specialty. Do I not want to share in those joyous gestures He wants to bestow on me? So I'm thinking, without God, the number line would stop at zero. Without God, there'd be no imaginary numbers, no fourth dimension that's impossible to graph (I could go on with the nerdy allegories, but then I would incriminate myself - isn't there a law protecting us from that?). Bottomline, without God, I'd be lost. And without Jesus as driver, I'd totally be missing out. He is a limitless god who cannot be confined to the boundaries of my imagination.

So I say, go God, go. Jia you!

(Ask me about the crazy, out of left field blessings He's thrown my way lately. I might just share them with you, as I go pick up the socks He's knocked off my feet...)