The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Boy in the Box

If you ask me, sometimes I do believe we are dealt raw deals every now and then. Now this isn't a red flag to warn of a venting session fueled by self pity for somewhat uncomfortable circumstances. No, this is simply an attempt to offer an entry and give some indication that I am still alive and kicking!

I think I may have missed the mark, though, in that my attitude has not been right in relation to a friend holding a proverbial bad hand. Reading in James about exuding God's peaceable and gentle spirit made me think hard about why I can't seem to love my friend as she needs to be loved. Maybe because I'm not God? Seems too simple an excuse. I seem to be suffering from feelings of having something to teach her, as if my similar experiences give me special insight into her situation. I am praying that I would step aside so that God could do His thing through me instead of my trying to do God's work for Him. Definitely character building for me.

The Lord has beset a less than subtle nudge that I need to show care for her in this time, and that means I need to make myself available to her, even in the midst of my busy schedule. This doesn't require me to initiate; she tends to seek me out with a frequency that is less than commodious. Who knew I was claustrophobic? Times like these, though, I am grateful my time is practically my own. I think my friend just needs company and someone to bounce her thoughts off of. Maybe she can get her emotions out on Wii Sports. It's amazing how therapeutic boxing can be!

In the meantime, is it too early to pack? Can't wait to leave.