The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Just Can't Get Enough

What was going through my sleep deprived head last September, when I was mourning the soon to disappear alone time with my newly labelled toddler?  I mistakenly guessed that my cherished days of playing, reading, and quiet cuddling would fade away once her baby sister invaded her territory. Little did I know that the days of watching her discover the world around her through bumps, bruises, and foam tiles would not wane but become all the more intriguing!

Life with two minis has been full of highs and lows, but mostly the former.  To see an almost two year old forehead bump her infant sister, attempt to change her diaper, and bring her every toy in the house cannot even begin to be tagged as priceless.  I've witnessed older sister tenderness that wouldn't have been drawn out had that little one not joined the crew.  And how about that dance of giddiness that MeiMei does whenever we go get JieJie from her nap?  Yes, it's been tiring, but hey, people do this everyday with more than two!  Adrenaline might get you through a moment, but love affords a lifetime.  Did someone say that?  If not, someone should have.

Admittedly, the second heir to this Sun fortune (this term is relative, yes?) missed out on the awe that comes from first time parents.  First smile, teeth, solid food, crawling...we have probably taken only a third of the pictures we did of the firstborn.  Novelty and fame do accompany family position, I must say.  The second is developing on a totally different timeline, but sadly, it will not be completely documented.  It's not to say that our fondness for the Baba family look alike is less.  The extra pair of hands is just generally preoccupied.  But that doesn't mean we love her any less, not even in the least.

It continues to surprise me is how the joyful entry of a second human being into my family would be marred by a groundless fear of not having enough love to share.  My fear was that my love would be split between two offspring, as if it definitively filled a measuring cup.  But it, in fact, doubles.  No wonder our idea of God is confined to the boundaries drawn by our limited minds.  If God's love were limited, how then, would I be saved, 'cause He would've used up His quota before I could be bailed out.

Nope, still don't know how far and and how and how deep is the love of God.  And I like it that way.