The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

You Raise Me Up

Play up. That's probably some of the best advice I've gotten in a long time, better even, than the commericial adage "Just Do It". I've noticed that I have a slight inclination to settle into less than what I'm capable of just because I'm not challenged. Life at the office is this way. It's a great place to work, mostly because of the people. But also because you can get away with average work and be labeled a high performer. If I worked my butt off, I would probably run the joint, not because I'm the most qualified, but simply because I'm the one who actually does everything I was hired to do.

Tennis is the same. Whenever I play less skilled players, I ease back into the lob-dink, not so aerobic sporting where I have to convince myself to take a shower afterwards. Don't get me wrong; I still have fun. It's tennis afterall. But I too easily meld into the mediocre, drift with the status quo, and look apathetically at change as to practically not recognize it.

So what am I striving to play up to? Running. Running alone keeps me at my slow, 10 minute mile, trek-it-back-home-after-two-miles pace. Skiing. Helping beginners resigns me to the easy blues, greens, and bunny slopes. Karaoke. Okay, there are some things better left untouched. But most importantly, I am on my way to looking up to the higher standard that the Lord intended for me.

We've begun a new small group, exploring what it might look like to imitate the early church in Acts. Imagine being just as concerned with the spiritual health and growth of other members of your church as you are for yourself. Prayer times originally intended to tick off the request list transform into extended, worshipful, communing times with the Lord. Sin travels all the way to reconciliation without getting stuck at shame so that God gets glory for our sin. Imagine that! And we study God's word directly, not some other person's interpretation of God's word. It's a tough road to stick to, but with God rooting for us, how can we lose?

Did I mention we also cook and eat yummy food together?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great to hear, go for it and play it up! =)