The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Remedy

Between you and me, this new job is tough. In my little mind, I have the end goal all tied up in a little pretty package, complete with a shiny bow and matching tag. How to get from here to there is a bit fuzzy, but the steps are not completely indelible. The problem is motivation. How do you bring others to run the race with you?

I find myself pondering the way Jesus led His disciples throughout His three year, active ministry here on earth. And as ideal a leader as He exemplified, there were still times He caught them sleeping on the job, panicking when the winds rocked their otherwise placid world, and allowing greed and selfish ambition to pave the way. But what can you expect? They were mere men! So if the greatest leader of all time had problems with His less than perfect flock, then how much better can a marred excuse for a captain lead an equally sinful crew?

Okay, I'll leave that question unanswered. Time to take the pessimistic cap off. As I begin to meliorate my wielding-the-wand-of-authority skills over my 180 fledglings, I sense a need for change, mondo change. Not having intentionally sought it out myself, my curiousity is causing me to more carefully gander at the wares my recruiting "friends" have thrown my way. Exciting times coming...I hope...I pray...

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