The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Monday, August 06, 2007


Coming to a threeway intersection on the way to the next tee box, I was practically thrown out of the cart when my driver slammed on the brakes (whiplash hardly begins to describe what I experienced with all the rather abrupt stopping that afternoon). A right turn would turn us uphill into a wooded area. A left turn carried us down into an equally wooded unknown. And going straight invited us to bump on down a pothole riddled, narrow path just wide enough to squeeze us through. Of course, no tee box to be seen from where we sat. But how can I know what will happen if we choose to veer right, towards the shaded, less paved path? Is there enough room up there to make a U-turn? If only course knowledge came with a paid green fee.

Will I carry regret with me for years to come if I say no? How will he feel if I take steps this way instead of that way? How will she treat me if I do invest that time for that particular thing? There is always risk involved when a decision cannot be calculated or extrapolated, without that valuable course knowledge. And sometimes that risk brings fear...fear of the unknown. But if we never move, how do we ever get anywhere? How can I ever get to the next tee box?

When you do what you know is true, things get clearer. When you don't do what you know is true, what you don't know paralyzes you.

This statement struck me enough to cause me to risk my life, fumbling to find a pen to write down the nugget of truth on the remnant of a Post-It while I drove to my dental appointment. When I don't stand on the rock of truth, I cannot budge. Fear grips me to waver and even avoid the issue. But how I am fueled with confidence when my faith in God cements truth behind my actions. I have no need to doubt, no need to regret, no need to weigh the dissenting opinions of those who find it necessary to voice their thoughts.

And so I listen and look intently for God's leading, letting faith be the data I rest on to inch my lead feet forward with itty bitty nudges that grow bigger with that faith. Can't wait to dance with God!

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