The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Friday, December 10, 2004

Don't Turn Around

Perspective is everything. Did you ever notice that when you "toot" (this is how my sister and her husband have taught my little niece and nephew to euphemize this bodily function), you don't mind sitting in a cloud of your own fragrant (hey, that's the way it's translated from Chinese) discharge? In fact, some people rather enjoy this experience. Or at least they get a kick out of it. And yet when someone else in your mal odoriferous proximity happens to toot, it's like the most offensive, glare provoking action that person could inflict on you. Or how about when the gaseous by-product of your most recent meal decides to travel upwards instead? As someone who thoroughly enjoys leftovers, I can't say it's the most unpleasant experience. However, I have a proclivity towards the solid version of meal remnants, but if it was really good...well yea. Anyhow, I have yet to meet someone who enjoys sharing a gastronomic rerun that originated from any person other than themselves.

So next time you flash me one of those nasty glances, I'll throw a big grin back your way. Afterall, my mom told me to smile no matter what. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said... the word for the day. =P