The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

No Pain No Gain

Snowboarding can be a punishing sport, at least when you first start out. Why does it look like you've been unduly castigated after a day on the slopes? Bruises all over your knees from begging for mercy and painful black and blues on your butt as a result of the lashings from the not so innocuous bunny slope. I'd include pictures, but then the experience would be more painful for you than for me. But even while I was learning to ski, it wasn't the most pleasant adventure in the beginning. I paid the price in the form of busted knees, chilly toes, and having to eat a lot of cold snow. But it was worth it in the end. How can you not have fun careening down a freshly covered mountain side (as long as you stay on your feet, that is)?

So are all good things supposed to begin with a price? I can hardly make a list of those things in my life that have brought me a joy that has overwhelmed the pain that comes in tow. Suffering seems to be a natural recurrence for me, which makes it difficult to want to tackle the next challenge in line. The contusions on my heart never have enough time to go away before the next ones hit. If God's mercies weren't new every morning, I would have expired long ago.

Hopefully there's a light at the end of the snowboarding tunnel. In the meantime, I'll wait for the bruises to heal...again.

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