The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Monday, January 03, 2005

Snow in Summer

A little while ago, I talked about perspective being everything. And so the revelation reoccurred to me this past week while riding in a two door, compact car with only one chain up and then down a mountain right after the first big dumping in the Sierras. I guess it could have been worse; we could have been in the middle of that storm, but somehow being able to see the drop over the edge of the cliff made the trip feel a bit more perilous. After our right chain broke, and we slid to a stop on the side of the road, the chilly, hour long wait for help to arrive seemed to be one of those eternal hours. But it's amazing how safe you can feel in the unsafest of situations. Nevermind the numerous prayers we sent up. Nevermind the visit by three different sheriffs and a fire truck. And nevermind the four bars that allowed us to call the highway patrol to get in touch with a local towing company. I'm sure God's watching over us made all those things happen. But the one thing He did for me that made the difference was to put me in the company of someone I trusted. That feeling of security fortunately shadowed me on the ski lift overlooking the death-defying chutes. And surprisingly, it lasted long enough to help me cascade down the mountain in the midst of winds and snow that gave me that dizzying vertigo feel. His mercy is in fact new every morning.

The tow truck never did arrive, but that kind of divine security was better than any roadside assistance that would have come. If you ever do experience that sense of assurance, don't let it go. Guardian angels only come around once in this lifetime.

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