The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I Didn't Know Until You Told Me

Honestly, I'm tired of things not going my way. As selfish as that sounds, it is just the way I feel today. I stayed up on the phone and computer last night preparing operators for a critical run early this morning. So when I got here at 7, I expected to hit the ground running. What do I find? The extruder was set up for the wrong resin. Of course. Part number, description, and weight were not sufficient to have things ready and waiting. I should have bit the bullet and come in last night to run the darn thing myself. Nevermind I was supposed to be on vacation this week. Thunderstorms? It's not like I've never lived in the tropics. Bah. So now I sit here waiting for some sign of life from those lazy butt compounding guys.

On top of a frustrating day at work, my own brother turns me down to watch a cheap movie tonight. Being out of town is a viable excuse, I suppose. But that leaves me alone at home to do laundry. Maybe I'll paint another wall. Or go for a long run. Or cook a nice meal and hope the yummy smells entice a passerby to knock on the door to keep me company.

So then I discover that two operators in another division at our main site in Menlo Park were exposed to an excessive dose of radiation. Word has it they have burns on the left side of their faces, on their left arms, and are now losing their hair. Frightening. When I heard the news, I had flashbacks of this nuclear submarine movie (I think it was called K-19) where these guys died of radiation poisoning. Made my stomach cringe - I almost couldn't watch parts. I can only imagine the pain and trepidation those two guys must be experiencing.

Suddenly the trials of my day seem trivial. And I'm grateful for a night of quiet rest. It's amazing how God can knock me off my self-righteous molehill in a quick flash. A much needed reality check was exactly what He ordered for me today. And I ain't complaining.


Anonymous said...

So which movie were you planning to see?

Unknown said...

Hey Anonymous, there are so many to choose from:

For a buck fifty, I would see Life Aquatic, Very Long Engagement, Spanglish, The Work and the Glory, and I'd even go see Incredibles again. But alas, I don't like to watch movies alone...