The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Story of A Girl

Over the weekend, after discussing first impressions, Howie mentioned that I came across as a jubilant person, always happy. That was the exact word he used. JUBILANT. I couldn't believe it. How many beers did this guy down? I'm sure those around me who were lucky enough to have such an absurdity land on their unexpecting ears had to exercise great restraint to not spit their beef stew across the table. But I was pleasantly surprised to hear that I came across in such a positive light. Afterall, no one wants to pull others down into their doom laden pit or exude an unapproachable aura that keeps potential new friends at arms length. I've been known to do both. But lately, even in the midst of my sadness, I've sought to glue my grin on my tired face, selfishly hoping to pilfer some happiness from those in close proximity. Even at the office, a few have mentioned an unwonted appeal to my optimistic countenance during and after heated, political discussions of late. A smile goes a long way...even mine. Who woulda thunk it? Mine!

Thanks, Mom, for the good advice.

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