The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Climb Every Mountain Part II

It is with with great joy that I type this entry with all 10 finger digits in tact! Half Dome has been conquered, and hence, crossed off the proverbial list with permanent ink. *insert smug grin here* Okay, so it wasn't actually conquered, more like scaled, or shall we just say that I got up and down with no flying Tupperware hurled down at me with the force of a sledge hammer? Outside of being out of shape and being feasted on by a few dozen skeeters, I hiked the 18 mile, 4500+ ft of elevation without requiring emegency evacuation or the need to run down the mountain in record time to avoid appendage amputation. God is good, and even better the second time around.

It is finished.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats annie!! :)
