The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Monday, August 14, 2006

Coming Attractions

Just before I headed out the door to meet my coworker for a ride to SFO, United emailed to announce a two hour delay to my flight. Good thing I checked before taking off! So after a nap, some golf on TV, and a little weekend cleaning, I headed off for a weeklong toil in the far east.

Armed with a handful of crosswords, Alice's Walmart book, and my mp3 player, I thought I was ready for the 12 hour flight. And just as we were in queue to take off, the tower called us back to the gate to troubleshoot an electrical problem with engine #3. I can't say I was disappointed they caught the problem before we took off, but they did make us sit another two hours before we left SFO. And to my dismay, I was seated next to the most fidgety men on the plane, who could not sit still for the life of them (what exactly does that phrase mean anyhow?). Add in a few not so entertaining movies, some nasty Chinese American plane food (the instant noodle snack mid-flight was the best meal), and you have for a rather unpleasant jaunt to the office. But the worst part didn't hit until the next morning.

95F with a heat index of 110F. Did I mention I witnessed the first run of a fire test facility at the plant? The pretty flames were cool to look at, but man, if it wasn't hot enough to begin with...

The one redeeming part of this trip so far has been the food, which has been predictably decent. Oh, and seeing a few coworkers again. They seemed to have recovered well from their visit to ALCF with me last year. And I do look forward to continuing that conversation with them this week.

Stir fried snake heads with celery shoots anyone?

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