The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Sleep All Day

As I quickly got comfortable in my cloud of a bed last night, my mind was formulating today's blog entry. But I'm struggling to remember the sleepy prose that seemed so eloquent as I prepared to enter the best part of my day. Something about getting over shame to take more risk. Brain dump begins now...

So what is it about embarrassment that makes someone...okay, who am I kidding...that makes me shy away from trying new things? I'm not terribly competitive or at least I've convinced myself that I am not. But the element of shame that comes with inadequacy sometimes overwhelms me. To give you a picture of how ridiculous this is, when I first became a Christian my freshman year of college, I fought the numerous invitations to join Bible studies because I didn't want others see me struggle to find where the heck John was in my crisp new Bible. Crazy. I didn't want to learn to play golf because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to hit the ball straight and far enough to finish one hole (which actually still happens even after six months of playing, mind you). Absurd. I still get pangs of anxiety in anticipation of using my four note range to impart cacophonous pain on my friends. Ludicrous. Isn't that the point of karaoke? Okay, not wanting to ski had more to do with not wanting to break a leg, but after almost doing just that, i'm ready for the next season (let me at that mountain!). But why the heck am I so concerned about what others think?

I need to get over myself and live a little.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Ski mountain here we come with my new (hopefully) Atomic C9!! WOOHOO!!! Vancouver, here we come!!!!