The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Monday, November 29, 2004

Another Day in Paradise

I love leftovers. Soups gain depth and sauces souse (that's a new word I hope I'm using correctly). Food more often than not just tastes that much better the next day. Often I am reminded of the company with whom I may have shared that meal. Hopefully it was a pleasant experience, otherwise I tend to emotionally bar myself from eating that particular food again. If I can eat it though, it's like a bonus, because I don't have to cook anything new or go out and shell out way too much money on a bowl of noodles I can make myself. And when time is of the essence, meaning, I'm hungry now, leftovers make my day. Am I alone in the way I savor remnants?

So why is it that we feel slighted when we pick up scraps? Jesus rewarded the woman who asked for the crumbs from the master's table even after she was ignored and shooed away. What an amazing attitude to have - to understand that the gravy swabbed from His napkin was worth her daughter's life. Wow. After watching A Christmas Carol on TV, I was not only reminded of the over-abundance I wade in everyday, but how stiff my bed feels from the pennies I shove between it and the boxspring. I remember a time when experiencing God's compassion and generosity towards people were a part of my everyday. I was thankful for little things, like seeing the sun peak through the obdurately overcast sky, hearing the voice of my mom on the phone tell me to speak English because she couldn't understand my broken Mandarin, and Diet Coke that took more than three hours to find, purchase, chill, and sip. The only thing I still thank God for on a daily basis is being regular. No joke. Do you know what it's like to hop the C or D train everyday for over a year? In the absence of convenience, I see God in most everything. But in the overflow of blessing, I lose Him in the glare of my rearview mirror. God is good...all the time. All the time...God is good.

I guess asking Santa for a Tempurpedic mattress won't get rid of the crick in my neck. How about just a pillow?

I still have so much to learn.


Anonymous said...

the mattresses don't seem to do much, at least not for backs. pillows could work, but maybe you just need a happy massage, in which case acupuncture is good. =)

Unknown said...

I feel a general sense of complaining all around me about getting dealt leftovers, not being the first in line to choose the shiniest, freshest, or biggest. Personally I'm torn, since I have seen myself do the same and yet I love edible leftovers. Maybe I just need to graduate my culinary analogy into a theme for the other parts of my life...

Anonymous said...

Miss you in sleepless in seattle. ^_^