The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Stop Me if You Think You've Heard This One Before

It's early - before the butt crack of dawn, and I'm running on pure caffeine. Came in around 3am to co-teach a class, but instead, I was pulled away to fight major fires on the floor. For the past hour, I've been running from area to area putting on bandages where the blood was gushing. Got the constraint up and running, which was a major accomplishment for production, since we are knee deep in the busy season. Major case of nostaglia today, taking me back to the days when I got called in during the wee hours to help push product out the door. Once again, they've been fooled into thinking I'm some miracle worker. Ha.

So if you can actually relate to this rambling and like to play with polymers, drop me a line. I've got a job for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shanana said...

Wow, it sounds like heck of a day for you. Hope no one had major injury and seems like you got through it ok too. It actually sounds like a paragraph in a novel. =P Be careful woman!!