The Sun girls

The Sun girls
excited to be outside

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

She Will Be Loved

"Always the friend, never the girlfriend." Fortunately, I can't speak from personal experience. An old friend dropped me a line recently and asked why she constantly goes through this cycle of befriending guys only to have her heart broken when the guy's eyes divert to another girl. My heart goes out to her. Rejection is hard, but rejection when there is hope is painful. So I had to go to the source; I asked a guy. What are the signs we gals should look for in drawing boundaries so we can protect our fragile, easily misguided hearts from taking a beating? If you guys don't make a move in a few months, then we should finish building that fence.

But then the age old question still exists. What exactly are you guys looking for? The conclusion to this complex problem seems too simple. If you ain't got the looks, you gotta make up for it in personality. Overly simplistic? I hate to say it, but we gals agree. Well at least this one does. However, we tend to word it more eloquently, as to give it more substance. Eye candy is nice, but we are definitely aware that the lollipop doesn't last forever. So we look for character, for a good heart, and for money...oh wait, that's not it. Let me try that again. It's the kind part of your heart we're aiming to find. Once we find it, everything else falls into place. You become good looking, fun, and what we WANT. So we invest in our friendship with you to seek out that good heart, but therein lies the danger that we might fall into the vicious cycle again.

"Always the bridesmaid, never the bride." Can't say that's any better, but that's another story.

1 comment:

jon said...

i think what you say is the same for guys too... unless... im a bad guy... ><